The 2019 International Society of Steel Institutes Meeting (ISSI)  took place on Wednesday 6th, November 2019 at the office of  the AIM (Associazione Italiana Metallurgia – ) – in Milan. ISSI was formed in 2006 to promote collaboration between national institutes and societies which are engaged in promoting knowledge in the field of iron and steelmaking, steel usage and properties.

During this meeting it was confirmed that ASMET will organize the following international conferences:

  • 2020 AUSTRIA, Vienna, 12th International Conference on Zinc Alloy Coated Steel Sheet (GALVATEC)
  • 2021 AUSTRIA, 9th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (SteelSim)
  • 2024 AUSTRIA, European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference (EOSC) and  Clean Technologies in the Steel Industry

Enclosed is a picture from the participants of the ISSI-Meeting, which are coming from Europe, China, Japan, Korea, USA and Brazil.

Federica  Bassani, - AIM, ITALY, Fredi Brian - IoM3, Swansea, United Kingdom, Bruno Hribernik - ASMET, AUSTRIA, Shinya Wakimoto, - ISIJ, JAPAN; Xinjiang Wang  -  CSM, CHINA, II Sohn -l,  KIM, Yonsei University, South Korea; , Pei Z hao - CSM, CHINA, Lüngen, Hans Bodo Lüngen - Steel Institute VDEh, GERMANY, Hackl, Gerhard - ASMET, AUSTRIA, Jiř  Cupek -  Metallurgical Society, Trinecke Zelezarny, Czech Republic; Carsten Scheele, - Steel Institute VDEh, TEMA, Germany, Federico  Mazzolari - Gruppo Arvedi / AIM; Gert Nilson - Jernkontoret, SWEDEN, Peter Dahlmann, - Steel Institute VDEh, GERMANY, Jaroslav Pindor, - CZECH Metallurgical Society, Czech Republic, Bianchi Mauro Ferri,- Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), USA - Acciarium, ITALY; Carlo Mapelli, - AIM, Politechnico Milano, ITALY

Federica Bassani, – AIM, ITALY, Fredi Brian – IoM3, Swansea, United Kingdom, Bruno Hribernik – ASMET, AUSTRIA, Shinya Wakimoto, – ISIJ, JAPAN; Xinjiang Wang – CSM, CHINA, II Sohn -l, KIM, Yonsei University, South Korea; , Pei Z hao – CSM, CHINA, Lüngen, Hans Bodo Lüngen – Steel Institute VDEh, GERMANY, Hackl, Gerhard – ASMET, AUSTRIA, JiÅ™ Cupek – Metallurgical Society, Trinecke Zelezarny, Czech Republic; Carsten Scheele, – Steel Institute VDEh, TEMA, Germany, Federico Mazzolari – Gruppo Arvedi / AIM; Gert Nilson – Jernkontoret, SWEDEN, Peter Dahlmann, – Steel Institute VDEh, GERMANY, Jaroslav Pindor, – CZECH Metallurgical Society, Czech Republic, Bianchi Mauro Ferri,- Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), USA – Acciarium, ITALY; Carlo Mapelli, – AIM, Politechnico Milano, ITALY

Additionally a meeting between Jernkontoret, AIM, VDEh and ASMET  was organized to prepare ESTAD 2021, which will be held in Stockholm. Gerhard Hackl and Bruno Hribernik are members of the International Advisory Board of ESTAD 2021 and support the organization of  the conference in Stockholm. Professors from Austrian Universities and High Level Experts from Austrian industry will strengthen the scientific committee of  ESTAD 2021.